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Here is am overview of your current Bookmarks:

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Thank You! for choosing Free Streaming Video for your private porn bookmarks… Rest assured that I do keep them private. Have fun Surfing… and streaming more video!

Clear your computer cookies to clear the overview or safe the (domain) cookies text AI computed files to have a backup. These lists are saved per/each-computer/device and doesn’t travel along with your site-user if you’re not logged in while bookmarking.

Cookies are small text binary files with information about the current available session saved as per each website visited the sessions there has been made on the PC, Device or Unit. The filename are defined as “*.txt” as in any descriptor but “4398204.txt” or “ru90343284.txt” or something else, but simply a “.txt” file containing session data about the website session for the browser to easily locate the necessary settings to make the experience best as possible without user interaction or at least with less user interaction because these have been stored within the cookie.

Take a closer look here ((Windows System)):

  1. C:\Windows\Temp\
  2. C:\Windows\System32\Temporary Internet Files
  3. C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp
  4. C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Temporary Internet Files
  5. C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Temp
  6. C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp
  7. Perform a Google Search about this:

While others may be looking into the folder ((Linux System)):


  1. Google Chrome save cookies into a private user home folder. Take a tour around there.
    Terminal/SSH/Shell/Bash command: kimjac@qwest/:# cd ~ && ls -la ↩︎